Etsy Shop, God, Surrogacy

Featured Product: His Eye is on the Sparrow

Two years ago, I went through a devastating miscarriage. I had the charge of growing another family’s child in my womb and that child died in my care.

I will not even pretend that the pain I endured was anything close to what the true parents faced; for many reasons, my sorrow was only a flicker next to their own.

Yet, I grieved. I grieved for them. I grieved for the lifeless little one who remained within me. I grieved for all we’d been through that felt now lost.

A week later, after that tiny one was once and finally removed from my womb, I remember very distinctly being curled on my couch, pondering my purpose in all of this. During that time of reflection and healing, both physically and emotionally, I pulled out a little notebook filled mostly with blank pages and I sketched.

After a heartbreaking miscarriage, this sketch reminded me how His Eye is on the Sparrow.

I sketched this image of a bird (which I’m sure is most definitely not a swallow, but I’m not an ornithologist, so I’m ok with that) next to a thriving tree and I penciled in the lyrics to the old gospel hymn, “His eye is on the sparrow.”

Because that’s what He was reminding me in that moment – that if He can watch the sparrows of the field, He certainly is watching over me.

The passage that inspired this song, found in Matthew 6:26, refers to the way God provides for us, as humans, in the same way that he cares for the birds who do not have to worry about their meals. It is a reminder of His provision.

But His provision is so much more than for our physical needs. His provision is found in the hope we find in desperation. The peace in sorrow. The comfort in heartbreak. He is there and He is holding us through all of these.

Because when Jesus is my portion, a constant friend is He. His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

During recovery from a heartbreaking miscarriage, I sketched the art for this sign featuring lyrics from the gospel hymn "His Eye is on the Sparrow" - a reminder of God's provision and hope even after the devasation of miscarriage or loss. Repin and click to read the blog. Also, grab a coupon for 15% off to get this wire art sign from my Etsy shop.

Would you like your own reminder of the care and watchfulness of our God? This painting is available in my Etsy shop, made to order. I’d love to make one for you. Be sure to sign up below for a coupon!

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