Bible Study, Featured, God, Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God – A Free Bible Study – Introduction

Thank you for joining us in this ongoing study on the Kingdom of God. Here you will find the introduction. Follow this link to find the workbook for this study. When you’ve finished the chapter for Week 1, head here for the Week 1 blog and teaching video. Follow each of these links to see Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5, Week 6, and Week 7.

Our world is falling apart. Hard. In the timeless words of Billy Joel, “We didn’t start the fire. It was always burning since the world’s been turning. No, we didn’t light it, but we tried to fight it.” And this is how it feels, this endless burning of the world around us while we’re storming hell with our trusty water pistols. It can all feel a little hopeless – or, if we’re really honest, a lot hopeless.

Why is this true? Why does it have to be this way? And where is God in all of this?! Why isn’t he storming down the door and calling enough enough and establishing order and peace? Isn’t it about time?

Someday, yes, this holy reckoning will come. Today doesn’t seem to be that day, but I can’t speak for tomorrow. What I know, though, is this: this world – the globe on which we spin – is God’s creation, yes, but it is not his Kingdom.

Time and again the Bible reminds us that this world is under the temporary reign of the enemy, which is Satan. Jesus, himself, said in John 12:31 – “Now the ruler of this world will be cast out.” John said, “We know that we are from God and the whole world likes in the power of the evil one.” (1 John 5:19). In fact, Satan himself acknowledged his power over this earthly realm when he tempted Jesus with authority by saying, “To you I will give all this authority and their glory, for it has been delivered to me, and I give it to whom I will.” (Luke 4:6).

Though God is in the seat of ultimate power, Satan has been allowed a seat of authority over the proceedings of the earthly realm. When we allow this truth to settle in, we will see it is little wonder to consider the chaos in which we live.

But if this isn’t God’s kingdom, then what is? And if we are to be citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, or the Kingdom of God, what do we have to look forward to? Perhaps if we are able to set our sights on the Kingdom we cannot yet see we can learn to be true citizens of that kingdom while yet dwelling in the kingdom of Earth, which remains in the hands of the prince of darkness.

Let us, then, dig together through Scripture to determine what this Kingdom looks like. I have created a series of worksheets to help us turn our eyes to the Kingdom of God, as he intended it to be, how His people rebelled against it, as He promised it would still someday be, how some of these promises have already been fulfilled and what we have yet to hope for.

You will find your first set of worksheets here. After you’ve worked through these, meet me back here to discuss further. I look forward to studying together!

A weekly Bible Study (including FREE printable worksheets) for anyone who has asked themselves why this world is such a mess and why God doesn't just fix it all right now. This world is chaos while it is in the hands of Satan, but we have a King dwelling in Heaven whose Kingdom has been coming together from the very beginning. What is the Kingdom of God (or the Kingdom of Heaven)? What does it mean for God to be our King? How are we meant to live as citizens of God's Kingdom while dwelling on this Earth? Let's study this together as we work through these free weekly worksheets and dig into Scripture.
Photo Credit: Jonny Caspari / Unsplash

Follow this link to find the workbook for this study. When you’ve finished the chapter for Week 1, head here for the Week 1 blog and teaching video. Follow each of these links to see Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5, Week 6, and Week 7. Visit the YouTube Channel for teaching videos.


  1. The Kingdom of God - A Free Bible Study - Week 2 - The Kingdom Challenged • Angela's Wired Words

    November 20, 2020 at 9:55 pm

    […] ongoing study on the Kingdom of God. For the introduction to this study, read the blog here. For Week 1, you can find the blog here. For the worksheets from each week (and to continue to […]

  2. The Kingdom of God - A Free Bible Study - Week 3 - The Kingdom Promised • Angela's Wired Words

    November 24, 2020 at 10:08 am

    […] us in this ongoing study on the Kingdom of God. For the introduction to this study, read the blog here. For Week 1, you can find the blog here. For the Week 2 blog, check the link here. For the […]

  3. The Kingdom of God - A Free Bible Study - Week 4 - A King Comes • Angela's Wired Words

    December 1, 2020 at 5:21 pm

    […] us in this ongoing study on the Kingdom of God. For the introduction to this study, read the blog here. For Week 1, you can find the blog here. For the Week 2 blog, check the link here. For Week 3, […]

  4. The Kingdom of God - A Free Bible Study - Week 5 - The Kingdom Taught • Angela's Wired Words

    December 8, 2020 at 10:38 pm

    […] ongoing study on the Kingdom of God. For the introduction to this study, read the blog here. For Week 1, you can find the blog here. For the Week 2 blog, check the link here. For […]

  5. The Kingdom of God - A Free Bible Study - Week 1 • Angela's Wired Words

    January 13, 2021 at 8:30 pm

    […] us in this ongoing study on the Kingdom of God. For the introduction to this study, read the blog here. Follow this link to find the workbook for this study. Follow each of these links to see Week 2, […]

  6. The Kingdom of God - a FREE Bible Study - Week 6 - The Kingdom Bearers • Angela's Wired Words

    January 13, 2021 at 8:49 pm

    […] us in this ongoing study on the Kingdom of God. For the introduction to this study, read the blog here. Follow this link to find the workbook for this study. Follow each of these links to see Week 1, […]

  7. The Kingdom of God - a Free Bible Study - Week 7 - The Kingdom Revealed • Angela's Wired Words

    January 13, 2021 at 8:51 pm

    […] us in this ongoing study on the Kingdom of God. For the introduction to this study, read the blog here. Follow this link to find the workbook for this study. Follow each of these links to see Week 1, […]

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