Angela's Wired Words

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Kingdom of God

Bible Study, Featured, Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God – A Free Bible Study – Week 1

As further reminder of what was meant to be, we have been left a road map to his kingdom. His Word shows us all what He intended and what He intends still for His creation. From the moment man - the pinnacle of His creation - fell away from Him, God had a plan to rescue him back. Generations were rising up from those first two human beings, and His plan was ever in motion. Though the world itself had been given over for a time to a new ruler, God was - and is still - King over all. In our  ...

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Bible Study, Featured, God, Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God – A Free Bible Study – Introduction

Thank you for joining us in this ongoing study on the Kingdom of God. Here you will find the introduction. Follow this link to find the workbook for this study. When you’ve finished the chapter for Week 1, head here for the Week 1 blog and teaching video. Follow each of these links to see Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5, Week 6, and Week 7. Our world is falling apart. Hard. In the timeless words of Billy Joel, “We didn’t start the fire. It was always burning since the world’s been  ...

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