Angela's Wired Words

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Etsy Shop

Etsy Shop, Featured, God

Pray More, Worry Less

Fun Fact: I struggle with anxiety. It’s not as severe as I know others encounter and I don’t find myself in panic attacks, thankfully, but it’s the kind of anxiety that streams constant worst-case scenarios through my imagination. If I’m in line at an amusement park, I wonder if the guy next to me is part of a plot to cause this roller coaster to explode right after it starts – while I’m on it. Or, if the other patrons aren’t terrorists, then what  ...

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Etsy Shop

Product Feature: You Are My Sunshine

When I was a little girl, I owned a large plastic locket – of much too large a size for anyone that little to actually be wearing around their necks. I think it was ordered from an Avon catalog, back in the days when we would round ourselves up and walk the neighborhood with my Mom as she made her Avon deliveries. And when I opened it, it would play this little melody to which my mother taught me the words and I would wander around, large locket heart opened, singing along: You are my  ...

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