Angela's Wired Words

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Family, Featured, Thoughts

A Wife’s Thoughts on Marriage – the Unspoken Vows

Marriage is so weird. It’s pretty much the only time in one’s life (barring unforeseen circumstances) that you look at another person and say, “You know what? I like you. And even though I haven’t known you for an extremely long time, I know I like you so much that I want to see your face pretty much every. single. day. for the rest of my life. I want to hear your voice every morning and every night – I don’t think it will ever annoy me. “I want us  ...

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Bible Study, Christmas, Family, God, Jesus

Of Anticipating Advent

The following post has been re-posted from its original location, my previous blog at The New Testament story of Simeon has long been a favorite of mine (for reasons documented here) and this Christmas season I have been blessed with the opportunity to share a devotion with a precious group of ladies whom I adore. So, of course, Simeon is on my mind and I’ve been working to flesh out his story and his words even more. What does it mean for Jesus to be  ...

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