Angela's Wired Words

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Featured, God, Thoughts

When Depression Hits as a Christian

I wore make-up to church last week for the first time in many years, since I first stepped out of the shower one day deciding to no longer consider this face created by God not good enough for the general public. I decided to stop adding my fingerpaints to his masterpiece. But this particular Sunday, only ten days ago, I was not penciling in eyeliner to highlight my eyes, but to hide them. That mascara – the word that literally means “mask” – was my mask that day, my  ...

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Featured, God, Thoughts

Still Broken

Not long ago, I wrote about a lame man made made whole – healed by God through the hands of the apostles. I discussed how beautiful it can be when we truly display the healing God has brought into our lives – allowing our full restoration to not be hidden, but to allow our mended cracks to shine brightly for His glory. But there’s another side to this coin. It’s a side Paul discussed often – what he called his “thorn in the flesh.” We don’t  ...

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Etsy Shop, Featured, God

Pray More, Worry Less

Fun Fact: I struggle with anxiety. It’s not as severe as I know others encounter and I don’t find myself in panic attacks, thankfully, but it’s the kind of anxiety that streams constant worst-case scenarios through my imagination. If I’m in line at an amusement park, I wonder if the guy next to me is part of a plot to cause this roller coaster to explode right after it starts – while I’m on it. Or, if the other patrons aren’t terrorists, then what  ...

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