Angela's Wired Words

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Bible Study, Featured, God, Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God – A Free Bible Study – Introduction

Thank you for joining us in this ongoing study on the Kingdom of God. Here you will find the introduction. Follow this link to find the workbook for this study. When you’ve finished the chapter for Week 1, head here for the Week 1 blog and teaching video. Follow each of these links to see Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5, Week 6, and Week 7. Our world is falling apart. Hard. In the timeless words of Billy Joel, “We didn’t start the fire. It was always burning since the world’s been  ...

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Featured, God, Jesus, Thoughts

Hope for Election Day 2020

It’s been quite a year, hasn’t it? When embarking on a year with such an epic number as 2020 – the repetition in the very number seems to make it feel important – a number equated with clear eye-sight, the standard for real vision and clarity, I know so many of us thought this year would be incredible. A year of focus, so many chose to believe. And, yet, what it has brought to every human heart is the understanding that we control so little. When the world shut down, we learned a focus we  ...

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Bible Study, Featured, Forgiveness, God, Jesus

And Yet He Loved Us

And immediately, as man became more like God, there was simultaneously a chasm between the two. Both closer and infinitely further in just one bite, or two. God could no longer meander among the world of men, as he could not wander in the sins of men. And so from heaven He watches his beautiful creation languish in its sinfulness - beauty and agony mingled together on one sphere.

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Featured, God, Thoughts

When Depression Hits as a Christian

I wore make-up to church last week for the first time in many years, since I first stepped out of the shower one day deciding to no longer consider this face created by God not good enough for the general public. I decided to stop adding my fingerpaints to his masterpiece. But this particular Sunday, only ten days ago, I was not penciling in eyeliner to highlight my eyes, but to hide them. That mascara – the word that literally means “mask” – was my mask that day, my  ...

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