Angela's Wired Words

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Featured, God, Thoughts

Still Broken

Not long ago, I wrote about a lame man made made whole – healed by God through the hands of the apostles. I discussed how beautiful it can be when we truly display the healing God has brought into our lives – allowing our full restoration to not be hidden, but to allow our mended cracks to shine brightly for His glory. But there’s another side to this coin. It’s a side Paul discussed often – what he called his “thorn in the flesh.” We don’t  ...

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Etsy Shop, Featured, God

Pray More, Worry Less

Fun Fact: I struggle with anxiety. It’s not as severe as I know others encounter and I don’t find myself in panic attacks, thankfully, but it’s the kind of anxiety that streams constant worst-case scenarios through my imagination. If I’m in line at an amusement park, I wonder if the guy next to me is part of a plot to cause this roller coaster to explode right after it starts – while I’m on it. Or, if the other patrons aren’t terrorists, then what  ...

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Bible Study, Featured, God

Laying Ourselves Down

This post is part of an ongoing series featuring lessons from the book of Acts. Be sure to read my previous post discussing chapter 3. If you would like to start your own book study on any book of the Bible, be sure to grab my Book Study Background Worksheet! Chapter 5 of Acts can be a challenging chapter. It does not exactly open on the most heartwarming of notes. Instead, we open up immediately to a story of God literally striking two people dead. It might seem, if read out of context or  ...

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