Angela's Wired Words

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Featured, God, Jesus, Thoughts

Hope for Election Day 2020

It’s been quite a year, hasn’t it? When embarking on a year with such an epic number as 2020 – the repetition in the very number seems to make it feel important – a number equated with clear eye-sight, the standard for real vision and clarity, I know so many of us thought this year would be incredible. A year of focus, so many chose to believe. And, yet, what it has brought to every human heart is the understanding that we control so little. When the world shut down, we learned a focus we  ...

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Family, Featured, Thoughts

Why This Time Feels like Breathing

Can I share what may be an unpopular opinion, that may cause some, especially my extroverted friends, to respond with, “You shut your dirty mouth!”? I’m not necessarily eager for quarantine to end. Over the past several days, I have been picking back up my planner, which I use more as a journal, and filling in the blanks from the past several weeks, documenting what we’ve done and how we’ve been feeling. But first I had to fill in the couple of weeks before  ...

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Family, Featured, Thoughts

Of Being Human

I’ve tried not to keep it a secret lately that I have struggled. I have so many days where I see my children and I laugh with them and I try my best to serve them in love. But I also have those Ecclesiastical days where everything seems meaningless and I would so much rather huddle under my covers and just not be a part of this chaos that is life, and because I choose not to huddle, I meet my people living under the same roof with hostility and anger and frustration, not because of  ...

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Featured, God, Thoughts

When Depression Hits as a Christian

I wore make-up to church last week for the first time in many years, since I first stepped out of the shower one day deciding to no longer consider this face created by God not good enough for the general public. I decided to stop adding my fingerpaints to his masterpiece. But this particular Sunday, only ten days ago, I was not penciling in eyeliner to highlight my eyes, but to hide them. That mascara – the word that literally means “mask” – was my mask that day, my  ...

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