Angela's Wired Words

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Featured, Gestational Carrier, Surrogacy, Thoughts

Of How I’m Feeling

For nearly nine months we shared living space – he made me sick (literally), rammed his head into my bladder, shoved his body into my stomach space, and threw wild dance parties at all hours of the night. And now he’s gone, home where he belongs. And I have this body back to myself. And it sure has bounced back a lot sooner than I’d anticipated or experienced previously. But, then, as it turns out, when one isn’t trying to take care of oneself, getting the necessary  ...

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Gestational Carrier, Surrogacy, Thoughts

Of The Plan – and How It Goes Awry

We had a plan. I was going to go to the hospital to give birth and return home without a baby, as this little one inside me would be going home with his parents. And that would probably be just fine. But on the odd chance it wasn’t ok, if my body held on to this biological urge to care for a little being that was no longer around, what then? A kitten, I thought. That would solve it. Small and soft and snuggly and in need of care. Something to hold in my arms if ever they felt too  ...

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Featured, Gestational Carrier, Surrogacy, Thoughts

Of Trust

Lately I have written lot about hope – particularly since the miscarriage we experienced this spring. I’ve been very particular to label it as “hope” because I’ve struggled deeply with the concept of “faith” – inasmuch as it’s defined in Hebrews 11:1 as “the assurance of things hoped for.” I knew God had called us to this journey as a gestational carrier, but I also knew He had never assured us of a certain outcome, though we  ...

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Featured, Thoughts

Of Our Purpose

Sometimes God teaches me a lesson and I think, maybe that one was just for me and I shouldn’t worry about blogging it. But sometimes He won’t let me go until I share it. This is one of those lessons. I few weeks ago, fresh in the mire of grief following a miscarriage and D&C, still worn out and slow after surgery, while my husband was at the men’s retreat I insisted he still attended and my mother was at the grocery store making a chocolate run, I had my first moment  ...

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God, Thoughts

Of Redefining Beautiful

He has made an array of beautiful masterpieces and we, the ignorant masses, are running in and throwing spray-paint on his work of art - feeling not good enough because we don't look like the person next to us, not realizing that it's the uniqueness that defines our beauty.

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