Angela's Wired Words

Family, Featured, Thoughts

Of Being Human

I’ve tried not to keep it a secret lately that I have struggled. I have so many days where I see my children and I laugh with them and I try my best to serve them in love. But I also have those Ecclesiastical days where everything seems meaningless and I would so much rather huddle under my covers and just not be a part of this chaos that is life, and because I choose not to huddle, I meet my people living under the same roof with hostility and anger and frustration, not because of  ...

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Embracing the White Space

White Space. It’s a phrase I heard from a friend who spent this past fall chasing after it. Or maybe chasing is the wrong word, because it flies right in the face of the “white space” concept. Because what white space speaks into our lives is a place to just rest in the in between. I suppose it would be more accurate to say she was choosing to cherish the white space. It isn’t a concept unique to her and I’m positive I’m late to the party (as always), but  ...

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Featured, God, Thoughts

When Depression Hits as a Christian

I wore make-up to church last week for the first time in many years, since I first stepped out of the shower one day deciding to no longer consider this face created by God not good enough for the general public. I decided to stop adding my fingerpaints to his masterpiece. But this particular Sunday, only ten days ago, I was not penciling in eyeliner to highlight my eyes, but to hide them. That mascara – the word that literally means “mask” – was my mask that day, my  ...

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Featured, God, Thoughts

Still Broken

Not long ago, I wrote about a lame man made made whole – healed by God through the hands of the apostles. I discussed how beautiful it can be when we truly display the healing God has brought into our lives – allowing our full restoration to not be hidden, but to allow our mended cracks to shine brightly for His glory. But there’s another side to this coin. It’s a side Paul discussed often – what he called his “thorn in the flesh.” We don’t  ...

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